Curses and Warfare Read online

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  Chapter THIRTY


  Alarmed that Zander drank so much, Alexa steeled herself to intervene. She leaned forward to reach for his cup just as Kaiya pulled him off the bench and led him to dance. He deserved to have fun, but after they left, in the midst of the crowd, Alexa felt more alone than ever. She might be the only one in the tent not drinking. Unlike her brother, she preferred to stay clearheaded. She wouldn’t make a fool of herself with Dharien. If Zeph was right, Dharien was helping Lash steal money from the warriors, and she didn’t want to have anything to do with him. That’s what her head said, but her heart whispered different thoughts, and she wasn’t about to let mead make her do something stupid.

  She glanced at her twin. Zander pushed his way through the crowd and disappeared out the tent. What happened to put that scowl on his face?

  Kaiya plopped on the bench opposite to Alexa, tears in her eyes. “Your brother just ruined everything.”

  Uh, oh. She reached for Kaiya’s hand. “What happened?”

  “He said I was pretty.”

  Before Alexa could formulate a response, Kaiya said, “I’m more than that. Stars, I’m a warrior.”

  And then Alexa understood. Her twin was an idiot. “I’ll talk to him.”

  “Don’t bother. There’re plenty of other men here.”

  “But none that hold your heart like my brother. Don’t give up on him.”

  They sat morosely, Kaiya sipping at her mead, and Alexa chewing on her thumbnail. A throng near the entrance suddenly pushed outside. Shouts of “fight, fight,” echoed from the side of the tent. A steady stream of people filed outside. One person pushed against the flow and searched the tent. When Dharien saw her, he strode to her table.

  “Your brother’s about to get the shit beat out of him.”

  Alexa and Kaiya jumped up and ran after Dharien as he pressed through the crowd. Shouts led them to a clearing behind the tent. Zander faced Lash with a dozen men circling them. Muffled music and laughter blended with the warriors’ cheers. Alexa pushed through the circle, but a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back.

  “He doesn’t need his sister saving him.” Greydon leaned in. “This has been coming a long time. Let him handle it.”

  “He’s drunk.”

  A grin lit Greydon’s face. “So is Lash. It’ll be a fair fight.”

  “What if he gets hurt?”

  “All the better. Let the men see him as human. He holds himself apart too much.”

  Dharien held her arm. “Greydon’s right. Let this play out.”

  Zander lunged at Lash and they crashed to the ground. The circle tightened as the men shouted, most for Zander, a few for Lash.

  Lash threw sloppy punches as Zander straddled him, deflecting his fists. Zander connected with Lash’s jaw and then flew backward when Lash shoved him off. They stumbled to their feet and locked arms. Lash headbutted Zander in the nose and blood spurted over both of them. Cheers rang out as the fistfight turned into wrestling.

  It was only Dharien’s tight grip that kept Alexa from running to help. She hated seeing Zander hurt.

  Beside her, Kaiya jumped up and down. “Take him down, Zander! Punch him!”

  Her encouragement seemed to energize Zander. He swept Lash’s legs out from under him, and they crashed to the ground and rolled. Alexa lost sight of him as the circle opened to let them through. Dharien pulled her along for a better vantage point. She turned and pressed her face in Dharien’s chest as Lash pummeled Zander’s face. Then a punch from Zander coldcocked Lash, and he slumped on top of Zander. Zander rolled out from under him and crawled to the side. On hands and knees, he puked until he dry heaved.

  Still, Dharien kept her from going to him. Over the shouts of the warriors, he pulled her close. “Let the men take care of him.”

  She watched, fascinated, as the men lifted Zander and half-carried, half-dragged him into the music tent. Lash lay passed out on the ground, forgotten.

  Greydon appeared at her side. “This was the best thing that could have happened to Zander. Don’t ruin it by making a fuss over him.” He pointed at Kaiya. “That goes for you, too.” To Dharien he said, “Brother, let’s get drunk.”

  Dharien followed Greydon, but glanced back at Alexa. She couldn’t decipher his look, and then he disappeared into the tent.

  Later when Alexa and Kaiya looked in on the men, Zander was singing with the warriors, all of them drunk.

  What was her brother thinking?

  Chapter THIRTY-ONE


  Disgusted, Zeph watched the warriors carry Zander into the tent. He hoped to never see Zander like that again. He’d discovered something Zander would be interested in, but now it would have to wait.

  “Zander’s a drunk like his father.”

  Zeph hadn’t seen Elder Terrec until that moment. He tipped his head at Lash lying unconscious on the ground. “What about your son? Just as drunk.”

  “My son will pay for his ignorance.” Terrec grabbed Zeph’s arm and guided him to the church, deserted during the celebration. “I have an offer for you, Son.”

  “Don’t call me that.” Zeph pulled away from Terrec. “You’ve never been a father to me.”

  “Now, now, Son, you can’t hold that against me.” He smirked. “I can’t be a father to all of the red-haired kids in the village.”

  Six kids with red hair lived in the shacks. Every one of their mothers either worked at Elder Terrec’s manor or in the tavern with his mother. And every one of them, like himself before he joined the warriors, went to bed hungry. He turned. Zeph would go to hell before he’d listen to anything Terrec had to say.

  “I’d hate to see anything happen to your mother.”

  Zeph froze. When he turned back, Terrec stood with arms crossed over his chest and a sneer on his face. Zeph reached under his tunic and drew his knife.

  “Good gods, boy! Put that away.” When Zeph held his ground, Terrec stepped back and opened his coat. “Would you attack an unarmed man? I only want to talk.”

  “Then talk.” Zeph didn’t move. Let the man say his words and maybe he’d leave him alone.

  Terrec stepped closer and lowered his voice. “You saw Zander. He’s his father all over. A drunk and an embarrassment to the village. He’s in over his head with this warrior training.”

  Zander had been struggling. Zeph wasn’t sure he even wanted the responsibility. But Moira had chosen him.

  “Look, all I’m suggesting is that someone else might be better suited to save the village.”

  Now Zeph sneered. “Like Lash?”

  “Hells no! Not Lash.” Terrec leaned in conspiratorially. “I have a firstborn no one knows of.” He pointed to Zeph’s hair. “A bastard, sure, but no red hair to give him away. He’s trained as a Protector. He knows what he’s doing, unlike your Zander.”

  As Zeph sifted through mental pictures of the Protectors, one stood out as always being around Elder Terrec. “Del.”

  “Smart lad.” Terrec nodded. “Yes, Del.” He motioned at a shadowy figure leaning against the church. Del stepped into the light and joined them.

  Zeph could hardly believe it. Esteemed among the Protectors, Del also excelled as an archer. Zander had confided to Zeph that Del was the reason he’d once dreamed of becoming a Protector. If Del took over training the warriors, maybe the burden would be lifted from Zander.

  “Del’s ready to take over.”

  Nodding, Del said, “At first, I didn’t believe the village was in danger, but now I do. The Protectors offered to join the warriors, but Zander’s stubborn and refused us.”

  “Why would he listen to me?”

  “You live with him. Plant some doubts about being ready in time.”

  Terrec rested his hand on Zeph’s shoulder. “After all, the safety of the village is our concern, isn�
�t it? Do we want that responsibility resting on a seventeen-year-old?”

  If Del and the Protectors could help them prepare for war, why wouldn’t Zander want that? And if Del was in charge, Zeph wouldn’t be expected to act as an assassin. He took a deep breath. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  Terrec smiled. “You do that, and I’ll see that your mother is unharmed.”

  Chapter THIRTY-TWO


  Zander woke the morning after the fight with a pounding headache, still clothed, draped crossways in his bed. He wasn’t sure how he’d made it back to his room. How many pints had he drank after the fight with Lash? Each time he emptied a mug, another had appeared.

  Shadow whined, wanting out. Zander rolled off the bed and clutched the foot post when the room spun. His gut ached as the roasted pork he barely remembered eating threatened to come up. Shadow shot out the door when he was able to open it. Thankfully, the warriors had the day off.

  He wandered to the kitchen. Zeph sat at the small table and held out a slice of oat bread slathered with butter. Zander swallowed hard and shook his head.

  “Cider first,” he said. After he managed to sip most of the cup, he sat at the table with his head in his hands wondering how Father drank every day and still managed to work. After several silent minutes, he looked up at the usually calm Zeph to find him fidgeting. “What is it?”

  Zeph shrugged.

  Zander wasn’t in the mood for whatever it was Zeph needed to say. He held in a sigh. Might as well get it over with. Zeph probably had a message from Alexa. He did remember seeing her look of disgust in the music tent when he fell at her feet. It probably hadn’t helped that he called her his pretty little sister. What was it about girls not liking to be pretty?

  When Zeph drummed his fingers on the table, Zander reached out to stop him before his head split. “Say it, Zeph, before I go back to bed.”

  “You’re still drunk.”

  “So I am. What is it?” Zeph’s face hardened. Zander’s stomach lurched. “Is something wrong with Alexa?” Relief flooded him when Zeph shook his head.

  “Del offered to help train the warriors.”

  A spike of pain sliced through Zander’s forehead. “Why would Del make that offer to you?”

  Zeph’s eyebrow shot up. “Because you were drunk?”

  “Let it go, Zeph. It was the first time. And it’s not likely to happen again.” He rubbed his temples. Probably not anyway.

  “Well? What do you think? He could help us get ready quicker.”

  Zeph wouldn’t look Zander in the eye, but Zander’s head wasn’t clear enough to question him. “No. The Protectors will do their own part when we’re invaded. And I don’t trust Del. He’s in Terrec’s employ.”

  As if he expected Zander’s response, Zeph nodded. “I found proof that Lash is stealing money.”

  “Too late. The guild master confirmed it.”

  Zeph slumped in his chair. Something else was wrong, but Zander couldn’t think. He needed a few more hours of sleep. “Will you feed the horses? I’ll muck the stalls later.”

  “I already did. It’s past noon bells.”

  All right then. “Thanks.” Zander stood slowly and all but crawled back to bed. He dropped on top of the covers, still clothed. His last thought was a question—why had Del talked to Zeph?


  “Zander? Zander, wake up.”

  Still foggy, Zander rolled over. Greydon and Alexa stood over him. Alexa’s eyes were red, and Greydon looked grim. He said, “We’ve got a problem.”

  “Lash is missing,” Alexa blurted.

  “Good riddance. That’s what you woke me for?” Zander rolled back onto his stomach.

  Greydon grabbed Zander’s arm and hauled him upright. “He disappeared after the fight, and Terrec’s blaming you. He’s headed here now with the Protectors to arrest you.”

  “Arrest me? I was with the warriors all night and then here sleeping it off.”

  “Anyone here with you?”

  Zander winced as he tried to stand. His head throbbed and his body ached like he’d been thrown from Helios and stomped on. “I don’t know. Zeph?”

  Alexa shook her head. “He slept at the bakery and didn’t leave until mid-morning.”

  “Someone in the music tent overheard you say you were going to kill him.” Greydon paced the small room. “Zander, this is serious.”

  “I didn’t say that.” At least he didn’t think he said it. After the third pint, everything was a bit blurry. “Who brought me here? They can testify I was in no shape to leave, let alone search out Lash and kill him.”

  “I think I did, but I’m not sure.” Greydon looked sheepish. “I woke up in our kitchen when the cooks showed at dawn.”

  So this was the aftermath of drinking. Alexa grabbed his arm and pain shot through his wrist. For the first time, he noticed his swollen, busted knuckles. He couldn’t help feeling a great deal of satisfaction that they’d come from smashing Lash’s face.

  “You need to leave. Camp in the gulch until this blows over.” Greydon slumped against the wall, looking as green as Zander felt.

  “Hide? That would make me look guilty. I didn’t kill Lash.”

  “Do you know that for sure?” Alexa leaned in. “Z, do you remember anything after you came home?”

  Zander pulled away. “You think I killed him?”

  “I saw the fight. You looked like you wanted to kill him.”

  The stable doors flew open. A Protector strode into Zander’s room with Elder Terrec.

  “Zander, son of Theron, I arrest you as a person of concern in the disappearance of Lash, son of Terrec,” the Protector stated.



  A Protector led Zander from the stable. Zander didn’t even protest. Alexa was crying and Greydon looked grim. Zeph didn’t believe Zander killed Lash. More likely, Elder Terrec hauled him home and hid him. And speaking of—Terrec walked back into the stable.

  “I believe that’s three times your friend has been in jail. Not much of a leader.”

  “You know he didn’t kill Lash.”

  “Do I?” Terrec smirked. “He had motive and Lash is missing. And I need both of them out of the way.”

  “So you got what you wanted. Leave me alone.” Zeph hated standing there with Terrec, but he suspected the scoundrel wasn’t done with him yet.

  “Now, Son, I just want you to think about some things.” Terrec clasped his hands across his belly. “You think Zander’s your friend, but Lash told me how Zander allows the warriors to pick on you.”

  Zeph started. Lash was the bully.

  “In fact, Zander told Greydon he thought it would make you stronger. That you were too weak to be a warrior, and the only reason he let you join was because he felt sorry for you.”

  Heat rose from Zeph’s chest to his face. He’d suspected Zander felt sorry for him, but he didn’t think he’d talk about him to the others. He knew he didn’t measure up to the other warriors. Why else would Zander have let him join unless he felt sorry for him? Sweat broke out on his forehead.

  Dorothy brayed from her stall. He had a donkey for a patron. A jenny. Zander had barely held back his laughter when he found out.

  Terrec placed his hand on Zeph’s shoulder. “Del would respect you. He’d never let the others bully you. He knows you’re his brother, his family.”

  Family—Zeph hadn’t had much of that. He’d always wanted an older brother. And with Zander in jail, someone needed to continue their training. Why not Del?

  “The warriors won’t listen to me.”

  “They will if you say Zander wants it.”

  “But Greydon will know that’s not true.”

  “I’ve bribed the jailer.” Terrec looked smug. “You’re the only one allowed to visit Zander. G
o to him. Suggest Del. It doesn’t matter if he agrees or doesn’t. Tomorrow, you tell the warriors that Zander wants Del to take over while he’s away.”

  “You want me to lie?”

  Terrec grabbed Zeph’s arm and hissed, “Your mother’s safety depends on you, and you’re worried about a little lie?”

  Mother had struggled all his life just to feed him, and not done a very good job of it, but he knew she loved him. He’d never forgive himself if she was hurt because of him. Maybe it would be better if Zander weren’t in charge. If he was in jail when they were invaded, it might even save Zander’s life.

  He sucked in a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll do it.”


  An hour later, Zeph trudged down the alley to the jail. It stank. The jailer left him at the iron gate where Zander slumped on the other side with his head on his knees. A half-dozen men sprawled across the dirt floor. Most looked as if they’d been there awhile.

  When Zander noticed Zeph, he stood and motioned him closer. “I need to talk to Elder Warrin. And Greydon.”

  “I’m the only one allowed to see you.” Not a lie.

  Zander ran his hands through his hair. “I didn’t kill Lash. There’s no proof.”

  “The warriors will have to train without you.” He’d have to be careful how he brought up Del.

  “I need to be there. Fulk can swear at them all he wants, but it won’t make them work harder. And Greydon and I have to make plans.”

  “Can Greydon take over?”

  “Stars, he’d hate that. I’ve got to get out of here.”

  “It could take weeks. You’re accused of murder.” He hesitated and then blurted, “Zander, what about Del?”

  “No!” Zander slapped his hand against the bars. “No Protectors. They don’t understand what we’re doing.”

  Zeph’s heart sank. He was going to have to lie. He hated liars.