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Curses and Warfare Page 18

  Zander brought Helios to stand in front of them and dismounted. He whispered to the horse, “Well done, friend,” before handing the reins to Fulk. “Keep him saddled. I’ll ride to the Quinary.”

  Kaiya ran to him and threw her arms around him. Surprised, but happy, he hugged her back.

  “Kaiya, I’m sorry. I’ve been an ass,” he whispered into her hair.

  She pulled back and held him at arm’s length. “You have been an ass, and we’ll discuss it later. For now, we need to work together.”

  He looked over her shoulder to where Alexa stood off from the group with a frown on her face.



  When Zander rode up on Helios, Alexa had nearly burst with pride. Then Kaiya ran to him and wrapped him in a hug, when Alexa knew Kaiya was still furious with him. Alexa should have been the first to congratulate him. They were twins. That bond was stronger than anything Kaiya could have with him.

  When Zander’s eyes met hers, her frown deepened. He’d ridden Helios without her help. Now, he’d never accept her magic.

  Zander wrapped one arm around Kaiya’s shoulder and headed toward her. She composed herself and pushed her feelings aside until she saw the King and Queen of Wands cards superimpose over the two. Tears sprang to her eyes. Zander and Kaiya were destined for each other. Where did that leave her?

  “Alexa, what’s wrong?” Zander touched her arm. “Kaiya tells me you’ve taken Melina Odella’s place. What’s going on?”

  Kaiya had even robbed her of the chance to tell the news she’d longed to share with Zander. She stood stiff and miserable. “If you cared about anything but drinking and war, you might know.”

  At Alexa’s words, Kaiya looked shocked, but Zander seemed ashamed, which made Alexa ashamed. She closed her eyes and took a breath to calm herself. “You need our help.”

  “Yes!” He seemed excited. “I’ve talked with Moira. I understand now. It’s going to take all of us.”

  She’d been warning him for months, and one talk with Moira made him a believer? She fought her anger. If he’d listened, they could have done so much more to prepare.

  He motioned for the others to join them. “Greydon, did Father Chanse agree?” When Greydon nodded, Zander glanced at the sky. “We’ve not much time. Tell me what you’ve been doing.”

  Alexa and Kaiya took turns explaining how they’d trained the women to shoot and sling rocks.

  “You’d be proud of Mother. She’s one of the best with the bow.” Alexa’s surprise had matched Mother’s when she consistently hit the mark.

  “Use the women as archers?” Zander shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it. “Gia’s teaching the others to use a sling?”

  “Even the young girls can hit a target.” Kaiya said, practically dancing with pride. “I told you women could fight.”

  Zander pulled Kaiya in to his side and held her. Alexa shouldn’t have felt jealous, but she did. She’d had only a little over a year with her twin. Now, she was losing him. She caught the puzzled look Zander gave her and dropped her head until she regained her composure. Zander guarded against seeing others’ secrets, but she couldn’t take the chance of him seeing that one. She fingered the garnet brooch she wore on her tunic and the energy brought order to the chaos swirling in her head. Merindah slipped her arm through Alexa’s. Gratitude filled Alexa for the support.

  “Merindah’s been helping with spells for the embroidery.”

  Her twin rocked back on his heels as he studied her. “You still plan to use magic?”

  Stubbornly, she met his gaze and nodded.

  “Moira said I needed to use all my resources.” He grinned and rubbed the back of his neck. “I guess magic is one of them.” He suddenly became serious. “She said we have one week.”

  A week? Only Merindah’s hold on Alexa kept her from falling to her knees. She whispered, “Can we be ready?”

  “We have to be.” Zander came to her then and hugged her close. To her alone, he said, “Only together can we win this war. Our names—together we defend all. Together we’ll save the village.”

  In his ear, she replied, “First, we unite the village.”

  He pulled away, determination on his face. “That starts today.”

  A series of bells rang from the church. Three peals, a pause, three more, a pause, and repeated. Warning bells calling all the villagers to the Quinary.

  Alexa’s heart thumped until she saw Zander’s grin. “Is this what you asked of Father Chanse?”

  “Come as quickly as you can,” Zander said. Then he grinned. “Your brother is about to make the speech of his life.”

  Fulk brought Helios. Zander mounted and turned the horse in a circle. His grin disappeared. “I almost forgot. Beware of Zeph. He may be working for Terrec now.”

  With that, he galloped off, leaving a trail of dust. His words twisted in her gut like the stab of a knife. Zeph, gentle Zeph, couldn’t possibly have conspired against them. Could he?



  Helios flew toward the Quinary, and Zander considered his words. This speech would either bring the tribes of the village together or split them wide apart. United they could win. He couldn’t think of what would happen if they divided into sides.

  He reached the market where confused celebrators made their way to the Quinary. Some ambled, obviously drunk, and some ran, glancing back and forth, trying to find the danger. Zander had only heard warning bells once, when he was ten, and a pack of wild boars ran through the village.

  As the villagers became aware of Helios, they parted. Zander rode into the Quinary, confident and calm. Helios snorted and pawed at the ground until Zander sent energy through his hands placed on either side of the horse’s neck. Those standing close fell quiet when they saw Zander astride the majestic war horse. Father Chanse, red-faced and sweating, joined Zander under the Quinary roof and stood to the right of Helios.

  Zander peered out among the villagers. He absorbed their energy, bringing their fear, excitement, and confusion into himself and releasing it into the sky. Members from each of the tribes mingled and pushed to move closer. The Raskan traders, who came twice a year for festivals, hung at the back of the crowd, interested but wary.

  Tshilaba’s eyes met Zander’s from the back. With a single nod, her energy gave him strength. He had a vision of Alexa traveling with the fortune-teller. He shook his head. He needed to stay focused. Later, he’d consider what that meant.

  It wasn’t until Zander saw Alexa that he raised his hand. From astride Helios, Zander felt a quiet ripple out to the edges of the crowd. It was then he found his words.

  “Our village was founded on peace, and yet we find ourselves at war.” He turned Helios in a circle to meet the stares of all the crowd. He motioned for his twin. “Alexa, come forward and join Father Chanse.”

  She walked purposefully to the Quinary and stood to the left of Helios.

  He continued. “We have God and Fate leading us through Father Chanse and Fortune-teller Alexa. As a reminder of our tribal roots, I call Greydon to represent the Chahda tribe, Merindah the Dakta, and Kaiya the Yapi.” He noticed Kaiya’s surprise, but she hid it quickly and joined the others to each stand at a supporting post of the Quinary.

  Zander moved Helios to stand at the fourth post, representing the Kharok tribe. He needed an Odwan besides the priest. His eyes were drawn to the back of the crowd where Zeph stood alone. Zander heard his voice before his heart told him Zeph was not a traitor. “Zephyr, come forward to represent the Odwa tribe.”

  The crowd mumbled, turning to search for the boy as he picked his way up to the Quinary. Zeph blinked back tears as he walked past Helios to the final post. He stood with the bow Zander had made for him on his shoulder, a quiver of arrows slung across his back. Zander wondered briefly why he’d forgotten h
is own bow at the stable.

  Zander held up his hand for quiet. “Once, you may have expected the elders or at least those past their teen years to stand here, but it is the seven of us who are called by Moira. We have pledged to protect you.” He waited for his words to settle. “Moira came to me this morning. We have one week before we’re attacked.”

  Shouts broke out in protest, until a voice boomed from the back. “Don’t believe this nonsense.” Elder Terrec pushed his way to the front and addressed the frantic crowd. “Calm down. We’re not being invaded. This is a boy who’s played you for fools while you supported his little games of fancy.” He faced Zander, but didn’t look him in the eye. “Get down off that horse.”

  “I have information yet to share.” The crowd slowly quieted. When Zander held their attention, he said, “We’ve captured a spy.” Gasps echoed across the crowd. “He confirmed the Odwans plan to attack.”

  Standing next to Zander, Terrec turned a deep shade of red as rage twisted his face. “Even if that’s true, they only number a hundred men. We’ve ten times that.”

  How did Terrec know their numbers? Zander dismounted to stand at Helios’s side. “It’s true we outnumber them, but they’ve lived their lives at war.” He hesitated. He had knowledge that might frighten the villagers more than bring them to his side. “I’ve consulted with Tshilaba. The Raskans travel through Odwan territory. She says the Odwans have bows that shoot four times as far as ours and deliver three arrows in the time it takes us to shoot one.” He started to rub his thigh and stopped. It made him look weak. “They wear an armor that protects their chest. Whatever Elder Terrec has told you, this will not be an easy victory.”

  What would happen next was now out of his hands. Either the villagers would align with Terrec or himself. The people looked back and forth between Zander and Terrec.

  Terrec stared into the crowd and nodded.

  A hooded figure, hidden among the villagers, raised a bow, arrow nocked and aimed at Zander. The crowd pushed away in a panic and left a clear path for the arrow. “Let’s end this now,” the man shouted.

  Zander watched as Lash released the arrow.

  Chapter FORTY-NINE


  Horrified, Zeph watched Lash draw his bow. Without a thought, he slid his bow off his shoulder, grabbed an arrow, and released his shot as he raced to stand in front of Zander. He felt no surprise and no regret when Lash’s arrow pierced the right side of his chest.

  As he fell at Zander’s feet, Zeph watched Lash crumple. His arrow had flown true, straight to Lash’s heart. He was Puck’s assassin, after all.

  Zander knelt to hold him, and Zeph whispered, “I saw you in the gulch. I was spying. I’d never help Lash. You’re more my brother than he could ever be.” He coughed and blood trickled from his mouth. “Thank you for trusting me to stand with you.”

  Zander placed his hand around the arrow in Zeph’s chest. “Hold on, Zeph. You can’t die.”

  But Zeph knew he would die. Even now, his heart slowed as blood poured from his wound. He shivered and wondered how he could be cold when just minutes before, he’d been hot with excitement.

  “Zeph!” Alexa hovered over him. She looked to the sky. “Moira! You can’t let him die. Not like this. Not so young.”

  A velvety nose rubbed his cheek. Dorothy. He reached out to touch his patron. “We didn’t even get to quest,” he whispered. He understood then why he’d received no tokens, no omens.

  His pulse slowed until he thought it must be minutes between each beat of his heart. “Alexa?” he rasped, “Will you take Dorothy?”

  She nodded and broke down sobbing. “Don’t give up, Zeph. Eva’s here now.”

  He felt more than saw Eva shake her head as she laid a blanket around the arrow to cover him. He was so cold, his teeth chattered. And then, the pain left.

  Beside him, Moira and another presence he knew as God lifted him. He stared down at his body on the ground.

  Zander and Alexa sobbed over him as Greydon, Kaiya, and Merindah knelt beside them. Another group huddled over Lash. Zeph observed curiously as Lash’s spirit drifted up and over to where Zeph hovered. Together, they watched Elder Terrec crumple as he realized Lash had died.

  Lash turned to Zeph. “We’re free of the bastard.”

  Zeph could only nod.

  It was then Moira spoke. “Well done. You played your parts as I expected. Your reward now is peace.” She turned to Zeph. “Light-bearer, you have one final task. I’ll let you know when you’re needed.”

  And then Zeph was transported to an entirely different place.

  He found it beautiful.

  Chapter FIFTY


  Eva felt for Zeph’s pulse and shook her head. Zander felt as though his heart was torn asunder.

  At that moment, Dorothy began to bray, crying pitifully as she shook her head back and forth.

  Alexa broke down, and Dharien appeared out of the crowd to take her in his arms.

  When Zander bowed his head into his hands, Kaiya wrapped her arms around him. What would his life be like without Zeph? Zander cursed himself for his suspicions. He should have known Zeph would never betray him. He’d never told Zeph he loved him.

  Zeph’s mother broke through the crowd, frantic and pale. She threw herself over Zeph’s body and wailed. She looked up at Zander and choked out, “My boy would be alive if it weren’t for your warmongering.”

  He accepted her accusation in silence. Zeph would be alive if Zander hadn’t allowed him to join the warriors. And when the war was over, there would be many more deaths to haunt him. He raised his face to the sky and gasped, “I can’t bear it!”

  “Zander,” Kaiya whispered beside him, “you won’t do this alone. We’ll help you.”

  He searched the grief-stricken faces surrounding him. His friends. And he realized that this was only the beginning. He stood and faced the stunned villagers. Their fear assaulted him, and he almost dropped to his knees. He drew strength from the five oaks supporting the Quinary. Five tribes, one people.

  With Zeph’s body at his feet, Zander controlled his breath, in and out, and waited for silence before he began. “This is only the beginning of heartache, but we can’t win a war if we’re torn apart.”

  Alexa moved to his left, still crying. Merindah stood to his right, somber. He took their hands and felt their energy combine with his own.

  “God and Fate brought our ancestors to this gulch as Puck led them in search of peace. Today that peace is threatened. We can pretend all is well and, when the invaders come, give in to them and hope they’ll be merciful.” He stopped to take a deep breath. “Or we can stand together and fight for the village we love.”

  Murmurs broke out over the crowd. Half the people nodded their heads and half cast angry glances between Zander and Lash’s body. It seemed Terrec had been recruiting.

  “There will be more deaths. There will be injuries. I can’t promise we’ll win.”

  Helios towered behind Zander, his breath hot against Zander’s head. Shadow squeezed between Zander and Alexa to sit at Zander’s feet as Dorothy pushed her head under Alexa’s arm. Merindah’s sparrow patron, Angel, landed on her shoulder.

  One by one, the warriors, male and female, came to stand behind Zander. The women who trained with Alexa joined them. To Zander’s surprise, Father strode to the Quinary, fist raised, and stood next to Lark. Last came the healers, led by Eva, tears in her eyes, but chin up.

  It was what the villagers needed to convince them.

  Elder Warrin spoke first. “I stand with Zander. Moira chose him to lead us.”

  The crowd began to chant, “Zander, Zander.”

  Zander let the energy fill him. For now, they supported him. When they learned they would all be needed to fight, they might hold regrets. He held up his hand and the chants faded. “We’ve not
much time. Meet back here in two hours.”

  He knelt next to Zeph’s body and whispered, “Thank you, little brother. Your sacrifice will not be in vain. We’ll save the village and unite the tribes.” He placed his hand on Zeph’s motionless chest. “I promise there will be no more hungry children.”

  Father Chanse knelt beside Zander and bowed his head. He lifted Zeph’s body and carried him to the church, Zeph’s mother weeping beside him. There would be a service. There was time to honor his courage even in the midst of war plans.

  Dharien and Paal carried Lash’s body to the church. Zander knew Lash hated him, but to try to kill him was shocking. Were there others who wished him dead? Maybe he’d been remiss to not use his gift. He hated seeing secrets, but if it was necessary for his safety, he’d do it.

  After the villagers dispersed, Zander turned to address the group still standing under the Quinary. He dropped his guard and searched each face. He found only love and respect. He’d had their support even when he’d been trying to shoulder the responsibility alone.

  His voice broke. “My friends. You have trusted me from the beginning. Thank you. We each have our part to play.” He couldn’t help but feel it was a complex game they were involved in. Moira had spun the wheel of fortune, and there was no turning back from their destinies. “I waited too late to tell Zeph, but I want you to know that whatever happens, I love each of you. I can’t do this alone. You are all important. Go home and prepare for war. Come back in two hours.”

  They waited in line to shake his hand, give him a hug, or simply say thanks. Humbled at their affection, Zander fought back tears. He almost lost it when Father and Mother stood together in front of him, and Alexa joined them.

  “We’re proud of you, our children,” Father said.

  Mother mused, “I wonder if we’d named you differently, we could have saved you from this burden.”